The Masala Mom Story

What’s your favorite Indian Food? I have so many, from tangy Chaat and Chole to soothing Tomato Rasam with Potato Fry. I have been passionate about food and cooking since my teenage days. My South Indian family enjoyed traditional meals and I learned from my mom and grandmas. I also grew up enjoying delicious cuisine from all parts of India. 

No matter the type of cuisine, the use of a spice mix (Masala) is common to almost all Indian dishes. Whenever I cooked with commercially available masalas, I found that they all lacked freshness or missed something - a certain ingredient or the aroma I was looking for. I would end up adding something of my own in addition to the masala to bring out the flavor I wanted. Afterall, it is the masala that makes or breaks a dish! 

That’s when I decided that I would own every dish I prepared, make the masalas myself. The results were unbelievably good! The journey has been amazing, from the research to the countless trials that went into creating my own special spice mixture for each dish.

A few years ago, I cooked a full course Indian meal for my colleagues at work - Papdi Chaat and Kaati Rolls for appetizer, Palak Paneer, Tadka Dhal, Chole, Naan and Pulav for the main course, and Semiya (Vermicelli) Kesari for dessert. For many, this was their first experience with Indian spices. I also shared samples of my masalas. They loved the aroma of the spice mixes and started using my masalas in their day-to-day cooking. Many since have bought my masalas regularly and some have gifted a set of them as Christmas presents for their friends and family.  Masala Mom was born! 

I can promise you, the aroma from the masalas certainly will tease your senses. The dishes will burst with flavor.

Fresh Homemade Gourmet Masala - From my Kitchen to yours! All you need is a spoonful!

Meet Masala Mom

Sangita Raghunathan

Born in Chennai, I grew up in different cities in South India and spent most of my formative years in Bangalore. Now called Bengaluru, this city attracts people from all parts of India and is a kaleidoscope of different cuisines. Here, not only did I enjoy the variety of food, I also explored how to cook many of my favorite dishes. I now live and work full time in the US. In addition to building Masala Mom, it gives me immense joy to cook for my family, to host get-togethers where others can enjoy my dishes, and to teach my kids about Indian cuisine. I am also trained in Bharathanatyam, a South Indian classical dance form and have been teaching this art for many years.